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How to Create Conference Swag Attendees Will Love

FILED IN: Client & Corporate Gifts, Education, Workshop Swag

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

No matter what type of industry you're in, there is usually no shortage of educational opportunities by way of workshops, conferences, retreats, seminars, and even mastermind group getaways. And this means some sort of swag bag or welcome gift is usually involved. Today we're sharing how to create memorable conference gifts. You know, the type of workshop gift that makes your heart skip a beat the moment you realize it's yours and you can't WAIT to dig in.

Image: Red October Photography Image: Red October Photography

The Functional

Instead of traditional notepads and pens at each attendee's seat, why not mix it up a bit and include these functional items inside the gift. We love branded journals that attendees can use during the conference but can also return home with it and refer back to it and even continue filling it up!

Custom-Swag-Floral-Design-Conference-Annapolis-Maryland-3 Image: Red October Photography

The Inspirational

I really love finding a way to infuse our event swag designs with an inspirational message that mirrors the feel of the event. These welcome gifts for Justin & Mary Photography's workshops are a great example. We had one of their favorite quotes hand-lettered on the attendee notebooks and they really set the tone for everything to follow.

Image: Justin & Mary Photography Image: Justin & Mary Photography

The Edibles

Most events provide meals and snacks so we like to find some really special sweet treats as well as water or other beverages for attendees to enjoy on breaks or even when they go back to their hotel room in the evening. It's also a good idea to consider some healthy snacks as well as sweets so you don't have everyone in food coma when they're supposed to be paying attention!

Image: Red October Photography Image: Red October Photography

We hope we've given you so good ideas to create workshops that really wow your attendees. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Please leave a note in the comments or reach out via our contact page.

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